
Pilates Klass schedule can be found online HERE

Pilates Klass also offers private events to share their knowledge about this amazing fitness activity and all the healthy benefits it can bring into your life. This includes but is not limited to: girls/moms/friends night out, athletic teams of all ages, clubs, organized groups, golfers, runners, the list is endless!

Introductory Package

Those with no previous Pilates experience are required to complete the introductory package before attending any of our Group Klasses. This will allow you to feel at ease entering any Klass at the studio and give you the general working knowledge required to operate the reformer appropriately. We strive to bring the best out of our students, therefore it is imperative that our new students begin by building a solid Pilates skill base. By providing an intimate setting for new students to become familiar with the reformer machine, learn basic movements and proper form, we set our students up to excel and get the most out of their Pilates experience.

The introductory package is $99 and consists of 2 one-hour klasses, with you and an instructor exclusively.

Click BOOK NOW below or email

Athletic Group Reformer Classes

A challenging, full body workout with emphasis on mindfully initiating all movements from your inner core for maximum results. Instructors awaken your mind and body through movements that will increase strength, flexibility, and balance.

1 Session $30

10 Sessions $250

15 Sessions $375

20 Sessions $460

Private Klasses

Our private klasses are focused solely on the individual needs of your body. Knowledgeable instructors will develop klasses with movements that cater specifically to your body in order to meet your fitness goals more efficiently and effectively.

Click BOOK NOW below or email


*All packages have a 1 year expiration*

*All packages are non-refundable*

*All classes are 55 minutes in length*

*No shows will be charged for the class or session missed*

*Client cancellation required 24 hours in advance or will be charged for the session*

*Classes without any client sign ups one hour prior to start of class will be cancelled*